Eco Friendly Hotel

Our Green Ethos

We believe that one of the greatest assets of the hotel is its grounds and location nestled on the banks of the Helford River. This is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) which is rich in natural beauty and high biodiversity.
We see our role as custodians of this wonderful natural asset and are committed to its long term sustainability. We take all reasonable measures to preserve and maintain the immediate and wider environment for the enjoyment of future generations. The continued commercial success of the hotel will further ensure the long term preservation and sustainability of the Budock Vean Hotel estate and its surrounds.
Our key impacts on the environment are energy use, emissions to water, waste management and emissions to air. In order to achieve our environmental aims and to strive to minimize negative impacts of our operations on the environment, we will:
To keep up to date and fully comply with legislative and regulatory obligations and duties of care covering our operations, requiring our employees and contractors to act in accordance with our environmental policy, for which we will provide adequate training and communication. We will also provide this information to our customers and seek their help in implementing it.
Energy Saving
Ensure that all new capital investment projects, ongoing maintenance and renewal programs are managed in a way which incorporates assessment of every possible environmental impact and will take appropriate action to keep adverse impacts to an absolute minimum. Future capital expenditure will provide for the replacement of current equipment as and when required with more energy efficient alternatives, including heating and hot water boilers, roof insulation, lighting, refrigeration and catering equipment.
Water Conservation and Pollution Control
Take all reasonable measures to save water and take action to reuse water wherever possible. Introduce pollution control measures to ensure that any run off of water from the estate into the Helford River is controlled and filtered to more than meet legal requirements. We will test the water quality and maintain records.
Flora and Fauna
Actively manage the estate to restore it to its correct Cornish origins, only planting species of local provenance that belong there and removing non native invasive species. Chemical based products, including fertilizers, have been phased out and replaced with organic alternatives, wherever possible, with the aim of being 100% organic. We will take a lead in testing and implementing new technologies. We will take action to increase the biodiversity of both the flora and fauna of the estate.
Transport and Local Purchasing
Take all reasonable steps to minimise and where possible off-set emissions and encourage our staff, suppliers and guests to help us in this initiative. Guests will be encouraged to enjoy the many activities available in and around the hotel that are accessible without getting in their cars. We will continue to focus on purchasing from local suppliers and producers wherever possible.
Waste Management and Recycling
Reduce waste from our activities wherever possible, and where we produce waste we will maximize the amount that is either reused or recycled. All green waste will be retained and reused on-site.
Local Community
Act in a socially responsible manner in the conduct of our business and take a position of leadership in the local community in a range of activities, including environmental best practice, supporting local charities and support groups, providing opportunity to school and college students to carry out work placements and getting involved in local community projects and initiatives.
Who and How
Our environmental commitment will be achieved through raising employee awareness and incorporating those issues into the daily operation of our business. We will review our performance regularly and not less than annually in order to promote and facilitate continual improvements.
Responsible Visitor Charter
We continue working to make the Budock Vean even more eco-friendly, but we need your help. CLICK HERE to find out how you can help us sustain the environment.