Access Statement

Arrival at the Hotel and Reception
There are two disabled parking spaces opposite the front door (unmarked). The front entrance has no steps and is easily accessible.
Check-in can be aided with the use of a clipboard or magnifying glass if required. We can enlarge the registration form and the Reception desk has an induction loop to aid those with hearing difficulties.
The cocktail bar, conservatory, all three lounges and the spa are all on the same level as Reception. The public toilets, including a disabled toilet, are also on this level. Non-resident guests and visitors who come to the hotel will find that all of these facilities are accessed easily. We are very happy to provide Sunday Lunch in the conservatory if appropriate.
We do not have any ground floor bedrooms and access from reception, bar and lounges to the lift means negotiating eight steps our staff are happy to assist. There is level access from the Golf Bar to the lift and up to bedrooms.
Golf Club Bar and Shop
The golf club bar and shop are on level access from the lift, plus there is a disabled access toilet.
Hotel Accommodation
We have a specifically designed disabled bedroom which is easily accessible from the lift. All switches and sockets are approximately 900mm above the floor for ease of reach. The bathroom includes a walk-in shower with seat. The room contains two emergency cords which are linked to Reception. We try to keep this room available for as long as possible for guests with special needs, however, we cannot always guarantee its availability.
The hotel has 4 self-catering cottages which are situated 50m from the hotel front entrance. They all have allocated parking and in 3 of the cottages all rooms are at ground level. Ramps are available for access through the front entrance, if required.
Dining in the Hotel
The restaurant is on 2 levels. To access the main dining room from the bar and lounges you need to descend 6 steps. Staff are available to assist. Again, staff are able to assist where required. Evening menus can be provided in a larger font. We have specially designed arthritic cutlery available and can cater for a whole range of special dietary requirements including coeliac, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan and also for guests who make us aware of any allergies they may have. We carry a stock of gluten free breads and biscuits and can source gluten free and vegetarian desserts if requested. If you have a special requirement please let us know and we will do our best to provide you with what you want.
Swimming Pool
Our swimming pool has 2 different access points. Firstly, it can be accessed from the main lounges, through the Health Spa and there are 9 steps to descend. Secondly, from the outside through our Members Entrance Door, where there are an additional 2 steps to ascend. Staff are happy to assist wherever necessary, including helping enter the pool itself if required.
Grounds, Gardens and Golf Course
The hotel grounds are beautiful and most of it can be accessed on paths, which are passable both on foot and by buggy. Please note the path to the foreshore/river is uneven in places and care should be taken. We are always delighted to put one of our electric buggies with driver at the disposal of guests to help them explore the foreshore and other parts of our 65 acre estate at a pre-arranged time.
Fire and Emergency Procedures
We would draw all our guests’ attention to the special notice which can be found in the previous section. For the safety of all guests in the event of an emergency evacuation, please take time to read this notice and communicate any special requirements to Reception.
Other Facilities and Helpful Devices
We have other items available which can be used in all our bedrooms and self-catering cottages:
- A large button telephone with flashing light to indicate the telephone is ringing
- This Guest Directory is available in a large font
- An induction loop at the Reception desk
- Magnifying glass
- Special arthritic cutlery
- For any guests with hearing difficulties, the hotel has one Vibrating Fire Alarm System available. Please ask at Reception
Places to Visit
Our Reception has a list of local attractions and restaurants/pubs that have specially adapted facilities for visitors with disabilities.
Other Requirements
We are happy to help in any way we can. If you have a requirement that we have not listed above, please let us know and we will do the best we can to help.
Emergency Procedures for Guests with Special Requirements
To help us make your stay as comfortable as possible, please would you inform Reception at check in if your answer is 'No' to any of the following questions:
- Would you be able to hear a fire alarm bell ringing during the day or night?
- Would you be able to leave your room quickly and unaided in the event of an emergency?
- Have you informed Reception of any disabilities or special requirements you may have that could affect your stay at Budock Vean?
This information is then shared with all senior staff of the hotel and, in particular, Day and Night Porters, so that the appropriate steps can be taken to alert guests to the existence of an emergency and to assist guests in a safe evacuation of the building.
Areas of relative safety have been identified and marked in the building. These are areas, where, in the case of an emergency, wheelchair users or anyone who has limited mobility can take refuge whilst awaiting assistance to evacuate the building.
For any guests with hearing difficulties, the hotel has a vibrating fire alarm system available. Please ask at Reception.